One dramatic example of a transformational planned gift was the $380,685 bequest allocated in the will of a Schenectady donor in support of non-funded hospice programs and services.
Just as important are the many other planned gifts of all sizes and amounts that have been designated to create and sustain programs such as our Wave Riders Youth Bereavement Program, our special “Wish Fund” – that fulfills special end-of-life wishes and to meet the most pressing needs of The Community Hospice and the patients and families we serve. A number of bequests over the years have been designated to support capital projects and The Community Hospice endowment.
Those friends and community members who have provided future support through planned gifts have chosen to participate directly in the future of The Community Hospice, and we take that commitment to our mission seriously. The stream of future support provided by planned gifts allows The Community Hospice to plan for the future with confidence and helps assure quality Hospice care for generations to come.
For more information, please contact or call 518-285-8135.
Your inquiry is confidential and implies no obligation.