Featured Opening: Hospice Physicians - Click for Details

Hospice serves you wherever you are –
and whoever you are

Where are you when you need hospice care? That’s where The Community Hospice is. We’re not a place so much as a program of services– services that help you to live with dignity, without pain, and in familiar surroundings. So we provide services:

  • In your home.
  • In your nursing home.
  • In the hospital.
  • In the community you’ve always known.

You become a part of our family, and you can expect regular visits from a caring team of professionals who work with your doctors, spiritual advisers and family.

And we don’t just care for you. We serve your family and loved ones with the support they need.

If you’re wondering if someone you love is appropriate for Hospice care, call us directly at 518-724-0242