Featured Opening: Hospice Physicians - Click for Details

Grief Support Services at Schools or other Sites

We partner with local schools and other organizations to provide support services to anyone that have experienced the death of a family member or friend. 

Services provided may include individual counseling sessions, family counseling sessions, and support groups, such as Wave Riders.

These services are free of charge, but the following forms are required prior to the start of services:

  1. Grief Services Application – Can be completed by family OR staff.
  2. Statement of Understanding –  Must be signed by the legal guardian.
  3. Authorization to Release Information – Must be signed by the legal guardian.

Schools can call (518) 724-0200 for more information and to set up services.

The following documents are optional tools, providing more information on our services:

  1. Letter to Families - explains our grief support service availability, and the required paperwork.
  2. Teacher/Staff Memo - may be used to encourage referrals from teachers or staff.
  3. Outreach Program Description - provides more information our grief support service options.

Education, Trainings and Workshops

The Community Hospice provides grief and loss educational trainings, workshops, educational sessions with guest speakers on grief and loss related topics. Educational materials and handouts also available.

Candle Vigil Memorial

Crisis Intervention

Community Hospice crisis intervention services also are provided to neighborhoods and communities where sudden traumatic death occurs.

When schools are faced with the death of a student or staff member, the Community Hospice bereavement team is available to work with them to organize and implement their school crisis plan.

If the death is anticipated, the Community Hospice bereavement team provides in-service education to school staff regarding child and teen grief, how teachers and families can help prepare students, and how members of the school community can best support each other.

If the death is sudden, Community Hospice assists the school’s crisis response team with their immediate plan of action. They meet with staff to provide guidance and support in processing the crisis, and offer bereavement counseling when needed. They meet with affected students to support them and help them cope with the death, identify at-risk children and teens, and provide intervention or referrals to suitable professional providers when needed. They assist with plans to memorialize the person who died, and may lead a private memorial service for school staff members.

After the death, the Community Hospice bereavement team provides educational sessions about child and teen grief to families and staff, and offers individual or family bereavement counseling if indicated.